She’s outgoing, vivacious and an all-round gorgeous person, one of our recent Model Search winners.
Read on as Kris talks about her background, touches how she ended up in front of the camera, and what we can expect from her in the near future.
Can you tell us about your background?
I was born and raised in Cairns and spent a lot of time with my great grandparents on Djaupuki country learning about culture and family. My father is Djapukai and my mother is Goreng Goreng and Erub.
During my childhood we spent a lot of time on country including Djupkai (Kuranda) and Agnus Waters. This is where we learnt about our culture including language, gathering practices, and our role and responsibly within my family group.
We moved to Brisbane since 2002 where I attended and graduated at Kelvin Grove State College and got my first traineeship with Qantas Airways as the first indigenous trainee in Queensland.
When did you start modelling?
I first started modelling when I was 15 at different local events around Brisbane, then I moved back to Cairns where my modelling career expanded onto magazines and newspapers.
I've been modelling for the Cairns Indigenous Fashion Show for the last 4 years and have gained a number of photoshoots and fashions shows through these opportunities. I have also had the pleasure to work with amazing designers such as Simone Arnol, Bernard Singleton, Wade Lewis, Julia Rose and much more.
What made you want to become a model?
Modelling is something I enjoy personally and professionally, particularly modelling for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander designers and found this a perfect opportunity to promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists, companies and designers.
You did a recent shoot with Life Apparel. How did you find it?
I enjoyed working with the team a lot, they made it very easy to fit in and feel comfortable with everyone, especially in front of the camera.
Where do you see yourself in a few years’ time?
The the next few years, I would like to still be modelling and hopefully look into opening up my own agency for indigenous models in the future.
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