Meet Nathaniel. He’s tall, dark and handsome. He’s also a really lovely human being with whom we've recently had the pleasure of working. You might recognise his face from the release of our new Standing Together range. Aside from being a model, Nathaniel also enjoys puzzles and wanted to be a double agent as a kid. And there’s more, but we won’t ruin it for you. Read on and find out for yourself as we get to know the man behind that killer smile.
Tell us a little about yourself…
I am a Mbarburum and Gureng man who grew up in Yindinji Country.
As a child I dreamt of becoming a double agent and overthrowing the commonwealth. When that didn’t happen I settled for Uni where I graduated with a Business Degree and a Journalism degree, neither of which I use for my current occupation. In my spare time I enjoy exploring nature, sketching, baking and staring at myself in the mirror.
How and when did you start modelling?
My first modelling gig was in 2014 when I applied for a nationwide model search – the event was Australian Indigenous Fashion Week. I was successful in the application and was flown to Sydney for the week. Since then I’ve had an array of different gigs from swimwear, corporate, lifestyle shoots, tourism campaigns and oddly enough an international ad for teeth aligners (despite never having had dental work).
What made you decide to work with Life Apparel?
I first heard of Life Apparel when I received a gift bag which included a voucher for Life Apparel. I browsed the site in awe of the designs and varied selection. I also admired their use of indigenous designs and models and knew I had to represent the brand someday. Fast forward to 2020 and Life Apparel put a call out for Male Models and I jumped on the opportunity.
What did you enjoy the most about your recent shoot with us?
The people - from the models, to the make-up artists, Life Apparel staff and the photographers it felt like a very collaborative and encouraging environment. And a very special mention to that challenging Life Apparel Puzzle for bringing everyone together behind the scenes.
Where do you hope to be in 5 years time?
I would like to make a positive difference for first nations people and I would love to return to uni (once my previous HECs fees are half paid for) and become a primary school teacher.
If you, like us, can’t get enough of this guy (and don't mind a good pun), head over and give Nathaniel a follow on Instagram here.
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