The Close the Gap campaign began in 2006 after Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner Tom Calma released the Social Justice Report, drawing attention to the large, glaring gap between the life expectancy and health standards of First Nations peoples and non-Indigenous Australians.

“Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples still live, on average, 10-11 years less than non-Indigenous Australians. Closing the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander life expectancy gap is everyone's business: it is a national issue in which every individual, organisation and group in Australia can play a role.” - ANTaR

The Close the Gap campaign, which Oxfam helped to launch more than a decade ago, reflects wide support for improving health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 

“We’ve played a lead role in transforming the Close the Gap campaign for Indigenous Health Equality from a popular movement into a force that has shaped government policy and continues to do so by elevating the role of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations." - Oxfam Australia

Each year, Life Apparel engages with Indigenous health care centres looking to provide our clothing as an incentive for local members of the First Nations community receiving regular health checks.
We have also recently joined forces with i=Change to contribute a portion of each sale to one of three great causes, as selected by our customers. These include the Indigenous Literacy and Numeracy Foundation and the Fred Hollows Foundation, both of whom are doing exceptional work to bring better healthcare and educational resources to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. You can learn more about these initiatives here.
There are so many ways we can all get involved. Visit the ANTaR website to learn more and to join over 200,000 other Australians in signing the pledge to Close the Gap.
 As individuals, groups and organisations, our collective actions, large or small, will combine to create lasting change. Together, let’s be a part of the generation that closes the gap.

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