
Not your average Footy Show

Not your average Footy Show
Yokayi is a Noongar word used in moments of victory or celebration, and, if you ask us, this show really is a reason to celebrate. Yokayi Footy is not your typical footy show. Hosted by Tony Armstrong, Bianca Hunt and Darryl White, the show is progressive, meaningful, moving and fun all at once.
The thing that we loved most about Yokayi Footy is the quality of its content, both footy-related and otherwise. Not only does the show touch on controversial issues related to Indigenous Australia, AFL and Australia as a whole, but rather it embraces them whole-heartedly.
Each episode starts off with a heart-felt monologue from one of the hosts, touching on the week’s most pressing issue to the Indigenous, football and wider communities. And that’s just a start, the content overall is incredibly refreshing - aimed at sparking and maintaining real conversations that are all too often avoided in the mainstream media. The hosts are upbeat, funny and authentic with a solid background in the game, and are a real pleasure to watch.
The show is full of quality content and remarkably addictive, even for those who don’t usually watch AFL. Not having been one to watch a footy show in the past, I personally wasn’t sure what to expect. Not only did it pull me in from the first minute, I had goosebumps more than once, and found myself completely engrossed  as I binge-watched back to back episodes.
Whether or not you’re into AFL, Yokayi Footy is a show well worth watching. We love everything about this show, and can only hope that it is just the beginning of things to come in the future of Australian Television. You can catch the show Wednesday nights at 8pm, or catch up on previous episodes at SBS on Demand.

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Vicki Morgan

Vicki Morgan

We really enjoy the show, how can I get a yokayi coffee cup.

Wayne Egglestone

Wayne Egglestone

Absolutely love this show, well done, keep it up.
Where can I purchase one of those fabulous Coffee mugs

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